The Day the Earth Tilted Slightly to One Side (#3)
![Men tilted slightly](
THE EXACT DATE has proven impossible to deduce, as the suspicious lack of any written record leaves me only this handful of snapshots to conduct my research. However, their vintage cars and fashions seem to indicate The Day took place sometime around the 1920s or ’30s. If that is true, given the tense race relations that remained only a few decades after the Civil War, this tattered print, showing Black and White uniting to defy a powerful but invisible force, testifies to a cataclysmic event of enormous magnitude.
Hello Michael,
I love the fact you are now in the discipline of writing and also love the fact
people respond to the video clips you have made in a good way. I have been
currently doing work for Wikipedia and would like to link to you and your artworks
there. Question is. Where do I find a direct link to your works of art ? I would write
the bio if that is o.k. and submittal is always hit and miss. They either take you in
or you have to die to become a famous guy. That was meant as funny, but an artist
friend, Joesph Ferris always said that about getting into the historical side of art. If
you could send the link that would be great. Always wanted to meet you, and sometime
possibly that will happen too ! Kind regards Michael.
I’d be honored, Michael. I took my art website offline when I launched this one, but let me see what it would take to activate it again and I’ll get back to you.